How do I make an Electronic Reserves Request?


Faculty can login to  Ares to view the Course reserves they are teaching each semester and documents added in one of three ways:

1. After logging in to Ares. Click on the course you want to add items to. From the Faculty Reserve Tools, choose Add Reserve Items, choose the type of item you wish to add and fill out the form. If you have the item already digitized, you can upload the document at this time or if Copley has access to the requested documents, simply provide citation information and submit the form.

2. You may bring documents to be digitized and placed on Electronic Reserves to the Access Services Desk at The Copley Library and complete the BLUE Electronic Reserves Request Form; being sure to include clear citations for any documents you may be leaving for us to scan.  Please be aware that the beginning of the semester is our most busy and we encourage you to get you materials turned in early, to ensure that materials are available for students when needed.

3. You may email your questions or special requests to  or contact Leslie Hovland,, Ext. 5973 or Alex Moran,, Ext. 2364.

  • Last Updated Jul 18, 2017
  • Views 122
  • Answered By Michael Epstein

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