I need to write a literature review. Does the library have any resources that can help me?
Finding Research
To find sources to include in your lit review, you can search our library catalog and article databases from the library homepage (http://www.sandiego.edu/library/). If you need help researching your topic, you can always stop by the reference desk or contact the appropriate subject librarian.
The USD Writing Center is also an excellent resource if you would like help in developing and writing your review.
Undertaking the Review -- Resources and How-to Guides
Books & articles at the library
(book) The literature review: six steps to success / Lawrence A. Machi, Brenda T. McEvoy
(book) The literature review: a step-by-step guide for students / Diana Ridley
(book) Systematic approaches to a successful literature review / Andrew Booth, Diana Papaioannou, Anthea Sutton
(book) Doing a literature review in nursing, health and social care / Michael Coughlan, Patricia Cronin and Frances Ryan
(ebook) Doing a literature review in health and social care: a practical guide / Helen Aveyard
(article) Writing literature reviews: A reprise and update / Human Resource Development Review / Callahan, Jamie L.
(article) Undertaking a literature review: a step-by-step approach / British Journal Of Nursing / Cronin P, Ryan F, Coughlan M.
How-to guides on the web
Literature Reviews
Purdue OWL
Write a Literature Review
UC Santa Cruz Libraries
Literature Reviews
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill -- The Writing Center
How to write a literature review
Concordia University Libraries
Literature Review: The What, Why and How-to Guide
University of Connecticut University Libraries