Can I request a book be held for me at the front desk?


Yes, this is a service for USD students, faculty, and staff also known as “Express Books.”

When you request (also known as “placing a hold”), we pull the book from Copley bookshelves and hold it for you at the Access Services desk (Copley Library, Lower Level). Typically it will be ready for pickup same-day or next-day, depending on when your request was submitted (business days only). You can also place a hold on DVDs, CDs, or any other item in our catalog with a “Request it” option.

To request, first find the item in the library catalog: Click the grey Request it button then follow the prompts. You will receive an email when the item is available for pickup.

If you click the "Request it" button for a book that is already checked out (“Not Available”), we will hold the book for you once it is returned to the library. You will receive an email when your item is available for pickup.

If you don't see a Request It option, this is most likely because the item isn't shelved in Copley Library or it isn't something that can be checked out (for example, "in library use only" book or an online article).


  • Last Updated Apr 11, 2024
  • Views 233
  • Answered By Teal Smith

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